Ngawi Regency Poverty Profile in 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ngawi Regency

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BPS has released dissemination products for Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1 on December 4 2023

Ngawi Regency Poverty Profile in 2021

Release Date : December 15, 2021
File Size : 2 MB


In March 2021, the Ngawi Regency Poverty Line (GK) was Rp. 358,663,- per capita per month, an increase of Rp. 16,107, - or an increase of 4.70% compared to the poverty line in March 2020, which was Rp. 342,556.
The increase in the Poverty Line resulted in an increase in the number of residents of Ngawi Regency who were included in the poor category from 128.19 thousand people in 2020 to 130.81 thousand people in 2020.
The average expenditure gap of the poor towards the Poverty Line is lower than the previous year, which is indicated by a decrease in the Ngawi Regency's Poverty Depth Index (P1) from 2.37 in 2020 to 2.234 in 2021 or a decrease of around 0.137 points.
Likewise, the level of disparity in expenditure among the poor in Ngawi Regency which has decreased as seen from the decline in the Poverty Severity Index (P2) from 0.55 in 2020 to 0.470 in 2020.
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