Ngawi Regency Economic Growth in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ngawi Regency

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BPS has released dissemination products for Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Census of Agriculture - Edition 1 on December 4 2023

Ngawi Regency Economic Growth in 2023

Release Date : March 4, 2024
File Size : 2.19 MB


Ngawi's economy based on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at Current Prices in 2023 reached IDR 24.32 trillion and at Constant Prices in 2010 reached IDR 14.90 trillion.
The economy of Ngawi Regency in 2023 will experience growth of 4.49 percent, an increase compared to economic growth in 2022 of 3.19 percent. In terms of production, the Transportation and Warehousing sector experienced the highest growth of 9.29 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, LNPRT Consumption Expenditure experienced the highest growth of 9.02 percent.
Viewed from the production side, the structure of Ngawi's GRDP in 2023 is dominated by agriculture, forestry and fisheries businesses at 32.86 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the household consumption expenditure component was 74.44 percent.
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